Training for interpreters – Warasw, May 2024


Warsaw, 18-19 May 2024
Simultaneous interpretation training with Klekta collective

We are happy to invite you to a two-day simultaneous interpretation training organised by Klekta collective! This is a one-of-a-kind event and a great opportunity for anyone interested in language and translation issues in grassroots groups. Have you participated in multilingual meetings and enjoyed the role of an interpreter?Or maybe you have never done it but find it interesting and want to give it a try? Or maybe you do it regularly and are interested in broadening your simultaneous interpreting skills and want to join a group of people who also like it and do it? There is something for everyone during the Klekta training!

Where and when:

  • Date: 18-19 May 2024
  • Warsaw, Active Alternative House A.D.A Puławska

Theme and nature of the training: The training will focus on the practical aspects of simultaneous interpreting, from basic techniques to working with the equipment of the Klekta collective. We will also work on listening and concentration skills. We will learn simple translation exercises that you can then repeat on your own. You will learn what the Klekta collective is, how we work and how you can join us. Our goal is to create a space where each person can develop their skills in a comfortable and supportive environment, in order to increase the number of people involved in providing simultaneous interpreting to grassroots initiatives in Poland (and not only there ;]) .

About Klekta: We are an informal collective that supports grassroots movements in organising multilingual meetings.We provide simultaneous interpretation equipment (which for the most part we build ourselves) and operate it during the event. We help to arrange the space and organise the work of the interpreters, and we also interpret ourselves. We operate on the principles of no hierarchy, self-organisation and sharing of skills. Klekta is not a ‘professional’ and commercial translation company, nor does it aspire to be. We offer translation as part of our social and political activities. Also, we offer our work and time to events with which we agree on an ideological level.


Who this training is for:

– for people who speak at least two languages, to the extent of being able to interpret spoken statements, and who want to support grassroots movements in this way;


– for people with no experience in simultaneous interpreting, but who are interested in learning and trying their hand at it, and in supporting Klekta at various multilingual events;


– for people with experience in simultaneous interpreting who would like to share their experiences, practice together, get to know Klekta and perhaps join the groups of interpreters.


Logistics and costs: The training is free of charge. The facilitators are organising it as part of their political and social activities. However, if you are coming from another city, you have to cover your own travel and accommodation costs. Although we would very much like it to be otherwise, the Klekta budget is so modest that it is only enough to cover basic vegan food (lunch and dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday).

Number of training hours: We can’t give you a concrete programme yet, but we estimate: Saturday 18.05 – training from 10:00 – 17/18, Sunday 19.05 – 10:00 – 14/15:00

Language: The training will be led both in Polish and – very probably- English, with the option of translation into other languages.

Registration: Due to the nature of the training, the number of places is limited. Please complete the registration form available HERE

Remember: by registering for the training, you are registering for the full training, i.e. for two days. If you cannot attend both days, please contact us first.

Deadline for applications: until 30 April 2024

If you have any questions, please contact us at

See you there 🙂
Klekta Collective